Welcome to Dungeon Explorer. ====================================================================== Dungeon Explorer is a graphical role playing game. You create a character, buy equipment and explore a dungeon or ruin. You must defeat whatever monsters you encounter to gain experience and wealth, causing your character to become more powerful and stronger. But unlike most RPGs, Dungeon Explorer allows you to play a variety of different adventures using the same game. Each adventure is stored separately and as time passes, more adventures can be added and played without having to upgrade the basic program. Dungeon Explorer comes with a mini-adventure called Dungeon of the Beast which contains 64 rooms to explore (full adventures have 128 rooms). You may copy it freely and are encouraged to give copies away. In this way you can try out Dungeon Explorer for free and if you enjoy the game, you can order some of the other full size adventures. You begin the game by selecting the desired adventure from the ones available to you. Then you must select the character to play. To create a new character, you merely supply the name of one that does not exist. The game will create the character and play will begin. Once you have a character, the first order of business is to equip the character with armor, weapons and other handy items. Since your starting funds are limited, you must begin the adventure to find gold and gain experience fighting monsters. With additional funds you can buy healing and better weapons, which allow you to explore further and further. As you progress you will find a number of puzzles and devious traps. Not to fear. You may save your character to disk at any time and in case of an untimely death, you can restart your character where he was last saved. Overall, the purpose of this game is to have fun. The game plays in either 4 color CGA or 16 color EGA graphics and there are plenty of puzzles to keep you busy. And or course, a variety of colorful monsters to hack and slash. The only real goal of the game is to explore every room of the adventure and return alive. Rules ==================== In Dungeon Explorer, all characters start the same. You have a certain number of hit points (Hits) that represent your life energy. When these reach zero, your character is dead and you must restart him where he was last saved. All transactions take place at the Shops. There are six shops which are grouped together and can be found in a variety of places. Each shop is represented by a picture of the item it sells. To buy or trade items at a shop, stand on the picture and press 'B' for buy, 'T' for trade ins. Prices for items vary, but as a rule you get what you pay for. The more it costs, the more powerful it is. Trade-ins allow you to sell an item back to the shop for half of what you paid for it (The market for used item is limited). In this way, as you gain more wealth, you can upgrade you current items cheaply. The shops are: Weapons - Here are sold all available weapons. Since weapons cannot be found in the dungeon, you must buy them here. You will find a variety of normal and magic weapons (marked with a +). Any Magical weapon is better than the best non-magic weapon. Armor - Here are sold all the available armor for your character. Like weapons, magic armor is marked with a + and is always superior to normal armor. Keys - All doors in the adventure are locked. Each key will open only one door, so always stock up on keys. Never leave the shop with less than 10 keys. If you run out, you could become trapped in the dungeon. Keys cost 2 gold pieces. Wands - Wands are magic items that show you the location of most of the traps in a room. Like keys, each wand can only be used once, so always keep a bunch on hand. When a wand is used, roughly 85% of the traps in the current room will be displayed. Using more wands will reveal more traps. A trap is displayed by highlighting the section of floor that will trigger the trap. It is up to you to figure out how to avoid it (if you can). You can buy wands for 5 gold pieces. Potions - Potions are expensive items that will heal your hit points wherever you are. It is cheaper to heal yourself at the shops, but it is always good to carry a few potions for emergencies. Potions cost 50 gold pieces. Healing - Healing is a shop that allows you to "buy" hit points. Unlike many games, you have an unlimited maximum of hits. If you have the money, you can buy 5000 hit points. (Though this is unlikely). The price is 1 gold piece per hit point. Commands ==================== Use the arrow keys to move your character around. To execute a command, you merely press a single key. Some commands need you to supply the direction of the action (like Jump). On the bottom right of your screen you will see a directional indicator. When a direction is needed, the word 'Dir ?' will appear in red. Just press the arrow key of the desired direction. For convenience, certain commonly used instructions (Kill Monster, Get Chest, Open Door, Push Block) are arranged to work with a single key. To attack a monster, just walk into him. The same applies to getting a chest, pushing a block or opening a door. Just walk into it. (But remember you need a key to open a door). Finally, note that at any point in the game, you can get a list of the commands by hitting the H key (for Help). Available commands : A (Armor) - This key will cycle through all the armor you possess. Press A until the armor you want to wear is displayed on the screen. W (Weapon) - Like Armor, this key will select the weapon you wish to use. E (Enter) - This allows you to enter any vessels you find (Ships and Boats). You must enter a ship before you can use it. X (eXit) - This allows you to exit any vessels you are riding in. K (Kill) - This lets you attack monsters. This is the same as walking into them, but also works with long range weapons (like Bows). F (Fire) - This fires a ship's cannon. All vessels have cannons which are a powerful weapon against monsters. J (Jump) - The command allows you to jump over one square. Great for avoiding traps or crossing water. Also can be used to outrun monsters. L (Look) - This lets you identify an object. Sometimes this can provide useful information. C (Climb) - This command lets you climb up or down stairs. S (Search) - This allows you to search special items for treasure. The only items that can be searched are Bones, Bodies and Coffins. Use the look command to identify which is which. R (Reveal) - This command uses a wand to reveal most of the traps in the current room. D (Drink) - This lets you drink a healing potion. Z (Zave) - This saves you character. It is good practice to save your character frequently since the dungeons are usually pretty dangerous. Q (Quit) - This ends your current session with Dungeon Explorer. Note: This DOES NOT save your character. You must use the Zave command to do that. So be careful to save your character before you Quit or all your latest actions will be lost. ! (Ahh!) - This is a special emergency escape key. If you have become trapped in the dungeon (maybe you ran out of keys) you can teleport back to the first room with this key. However, the price is high. If you use this, ALL monsters in the entire dungeon will reset and will have to be re-killed to get back where you were. So use only in emergencies. (Unless you really love to hack-and-slash). Various Objects ==================== You will find a variety of objects as you travel through the dungeon. Here is a list of more common ones: Force Field - This is normally an impassable wall, but there are ways of getting through it. Void - This is a bottomless pit. If the distance is small, you might Jump over it. Lava - This is nasty stuff. To step on lava means instant death. Ship - One of a variety of vessels, it will enable you to cross large bodies of water. Bones - The remains of previous adventurers. Sometimes hold gold and items. Bodies - Like bones only not so old. Coffins - Stone boxes with the remains of ancient warriors. Sometimes contain gold. Chests - Containers of gold. Usually guarded by monsters or traps. Blocks - These blue blocks are made of light sandstone and can be pushed. Be careful ! These are often arranged in clever puzzles which can trap you ! Glass Walls - These devious objects appear invisible and can often be used to trap or mislead. Statues - Man shaped works of art that will often shoot missiles or flames. Altars - Usually bad news. These will often shoot flames or fireballs. Secret Door - Watch for that which looks like a wall but isn't. Usually leads to treasure and valuable items. Windows 3.0 Users ==================== Dungeon Explorer is not written for Windows 3.0, but it can be played from it (as a DOS program). For this purpose I have included an icon you can use to represent the game. To use this icon instead of the DOS icon, go to the Program Manager, pull down the File menu and select the Properties item. Click on Change Icon and type EXPLORER.ICO in the box. Include the path name if necessary. (C:\EXPLORER\EXPLORER.ICO if the icon is in a directory called C:\EXPLORER for example). Order Information ==================== If you have tried out the mini-adventure and have enjoyed it, you can order another in the series. Each adventure costs $10.00 and can be mailed to you First Class or perhaps sent to you electronically. In addition to your order, you will automatically receive any upgrades to the basic program free of charge. Currently there are two adventures in the series : The Dark Pyramid The City of the Dead (available March 1, 1991) The Dungeon Explorer series is available only for IBM PCs or compatibles. They require 128K of memory and an CGA or EGA graphics adapter. Please specify which adventure you would like and type of disk (if applicable) you would like the adventure to be on (5.25 or 3.5 floppies). Please send all orders to: John Murphy P.O. Box 1352 Morgantown, WV. 26507 I can also be reached through CompuServe, ID# 71161,2030 if you have any questions or complaints. ----------------end-of-author's-documentation--------------- Software Library Information: This disk copy provided as a service of Public (software) Library We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution. Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about this program to the author of the program, whose name appears elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for- mat with screen printouts, if possible. PsL cannot debug pro- programs over the telephone, though we can answer questions. Disks in the PsL are updated monthly, so if you did not get this disk directly from the PsL, you should be aware that the files in this set may no longer be the current versions. Also, if you got this disk from another vendor and are having prob- lems, be aware that some files may have become corrupted or lost by that vendor. Get a current, working disk from PsL. For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter and a list of the 2,000+ disks in the library, call or write Public (software) Library P.O.Box 35705 - F Houston, TX 77235-5705 Orders only: 1-800-2424-PSL MC/Visa/AmEx/Discover Outside of U.S. or in Texas or for general information, Call 1-713-524-6394 PsL also has an outstanding catalog for the Macintosh.